Digos City Central Chapter

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Here we will tell the support and reactions of people and how we became what we are today.

...one of the priceless moments of our lives...

Our community was founded on 03 - 05 August 2007 by the interested, brave and young high school students of Digos City National High School through the help of our four brothers Amb. Amir Nasser "Bro. Humphrey" Dela Cruz Salamat, OD, (Head Ambassador Founder )Amb. Walter "of St. Callistus" C. Dela Peņa, OD, (Davao City Central Chapter) Amb. Jezer Macatiag, OD (Panabo City Central Chapter) and Env. Michael Wong, OD (Panabo City Central Chapter).
It took less than a month to build our first community , however, because of unexpected situations. our community was short lived.

We have encountered people who tested our faith, our teamworkd and our unity. Because of them, we became stronger in our faith.
Nobody can destroy our community because we believe that we are called to know and to observe the kinds of people as well who run our community.
Through their acts, we can tell and challenge ourselves how to improve more the community we belong in order we would not described as "one sided individuals".
We invite you to become a part of the Order of Diplomacy today and a piece of its history tomorrow.
You can read below the reactions from people behind the foundation of our community. Feel free to read. God bless us all!


"Honestly, although it is indeed life threatening, my mission in Digos City makes me more focused on God's calling to evangelize humanity. I am very grateful for the full support of the Envoys of Theotokos there.
The servant leadership of its first incumbent Lay Chapter Plenipotentiary Env. Fel Ceazar Agsaulio, OAT, the incumbent Supreme Student Government President of Digos City National High School is very impressive. He is a born servant leader who does not know how to betray the OAT Family in spite of false information against us.
The teachers, parents, guardians and students of Digos City National High School and Ramon Magsaysay Elementary School are very good in accommodating strangers like us.
Thanks to the Envoys of Theotokos as founders of the newest Lay Chapter of the OAT Family, the Digos City Lay Chapter, you are simply the BEST.
Shalom! Praise God! Amen!"
                              - Bro. Amir Nasser "Humphrey" Dela Cruz Salamat, OAT
                               OAT Family Head Ambassador Founder
                               13 August 2007


To the Envoys, Heralds and Ministers of Theotokos of Digos City Lay Chapter:
Shalom! Blessed be God! Forever!
We are shocked the way we received the news from your place in Digos City. We never expected that it would have to go that way. We are addressing to you this letter in general from countless Ambassadors, Envoys, Heralds and Ministers from Davao City Lay Chapter alone.
Always keep in your heart that how blessed we are if persecuted or if accussed of doing good for Christ. Take everything as a challege of our faith. Though we are not there physically, but the power of God is the most powerful of all. No enemies or lies will overcome us. We are praying for you.
Believe always in the power of prayer. That's all we can give to each of you. If we are going to be asked, we prefer Bro. Humphrey to stay here with us in the City of Davao. He is safe here. Although, he will go back there or not, issues will never cease. We advised him to go back there as soon as he will have the full help from the other Ambassadors, Envoys and from Manila City.
We hope you will understand. No one for sure will hurt you there because you are minors and are residents of that place. We are afraid that he would be framed up because we already received news and information about it. Precautions are still the best. Hence, it does not mean he is not with you physically, he is leaving or abandoning you. Bro. Humphrey is not like that.
If Theotokos was bad, we would be the first ones to stop it. Actually, from SPICE - Adamson University to SPICE & YOUTH Family to OAT Family, for seven years of apostolates, we as one big happy family never failed to do our best of selfless services to God. It would never reached its seventh year if it was bad. Our awesome track records of evangelizations speak for us as a whole!
For the past years, we were able to coordinate with our supportive Honorable Mayor Rodrigo R. Duterte and some of the prominent people and institutions here in Davao City for our apostolates. If SPICE - Adamson University or SPICE & YOUTH Family or OAT Family is bad to anyone, it would not be reaching Digos City anymore at your time. We would be the ones to stop it from functioning!
We are not connected anymore to Adamson University, Manila, Philippines. This Catholic university administered by the Congregation of the Mission or CM or Vicentian Fathers and Brothers is the place where it all started. As far as we know, SPICE -Adamson University or SPICE & YOUTH was there as one of the multi-awarded recognized socio-civic organizations from 2000 - 2002 or 2003. In 2002, SPICE & YOUTH was brought to Davao City by Bro. Humphrey for greener purposes.
We know that Bro. Humphrey addressed himself as "Bro. Humphrey" there in Digos City. Regarding the term "Brother" or "Sister", as far as we know, it does not exclusively entitled to any Catholic religious alone. It is opened to every one like in the OAT Family regardless of creeds and social denominations. Because we are one big happy family, the terms "Brother" and "Sister" are commonly addressed to any one of us. Professional and nobility titles are big no no to the OAT Family. These kinds of titles would only create inferiority for those brothers and sisters of ours who belong to the middle class and below.
We do understand that in your place when you address someone with "Brother", the Brothers of the Sacred Heart is known right away or "Sister" like the Religious of the Virgin Mary, Camillians, Trinitarians or Benedictines. We understand that they are already institutions there. Moreover, if you are interested about religious life, good for you. We know that these Catholic congregations will surely accommodate you about your Vocation. We heard many of you are interested on Vocation after you joined our retreat camps there. After your talk with any one from these Catholic congregations, as our members, kindly email us at oat-ist@catholic.org for possible support of your Vocation.
As for Bro. Humphrey, at first he was misunderstood by many people here even from the Church, but he persisted to succeed for God's sake. He is a kind man of good heart. We salute his energy! Shortcomings are not grounds to judge him, but the silent good way he helps people. He is not a terrorist nor he abused anyone. He comes from prominent families.
What is wrong with a Moslem surnanme or names? Moslems are good people. They are not terrorists! How can we have a better place to live, if people define our Moslem brothers and sisters in general as terrorists? We also have Moslem brothers and sisters in Theotokos. They are good people. Moslems who truly believe in Islam are peaceful people. On other hand, if Bro. Humphrey has Moslem names, does he deserve to be treated in a discriminating way?
Or using a nickname? Think of Sen. Jamby Madrigal, Sen. Kiko Pangilinan, Sen. Lito Lapid, Sen. Jinggoy Estrada, Sen. Ramon "Bong" Revilla Jr., and even former President Joseph Estrada and former presidential candidate Fernando Poe Jr. These prominent people use their nicknames and screennames. Like Bro. Humphrey Dela Cruz Salamat or Amir Nasser Dela Cruz Salamat in real life. He would like to be called the way he is known as "Bro. Humphrey". As a writer, he has a penname of Humphrey Jason Anthony. The term "Bro. H" was coined by Amb. Baby Ara M. Giva, OAT, our Philippine Lay Unit Exectuive Repository or Secretary in 2005 here in Davao City. We provide information about him. Kindly read Basic Profile.
We uphold that proper approach should be done without the interest of destroying the reputation of anyone. If Bro. Humphrey was not able to show legal papers about Theotokos during in an instant, still proper treatment should be extended on him. Each of us is also entitled that way. Not to the extent of ruining and degrading somebody else's reputation. It is absolutely appalling! We are not pointing you are the ones who did and who do harm to him. We know that you get what we mean. 
If something happens to him, try to discern and to reflect, before he came into your lives, ask first the ones ahead of you about him. Did he or the Theotokos teach you bad or something wrong? For us, we don't think so. From SPICE & YOUTH Family to OAT Family, he taught us and still teaches us up to now how to be the best persons that we can be. There were experiences that we never experienced from our own families, friends, churches and societies that only SPICE & YOUTH and OAT Family could give and that is generally "learning by surviving".
Yes! Bro. Humphrey is not perfect and so are we, but we have no right to judge him personally. Like the ways our brothers and sisters who served there in your past retreat camps, they helped you discovered and built your potentials and not your limitations, right? They also taught you to face fear with fortitude. We may have different points of view, but the bottom line is "Is it humane to treat any one with scandals or fabricated stories because of imprudence or mistaken identity?" Absolutely, no! The biggest no!
There were also times some of us here did not like Bro. Humphrey, but let us face the reality that each of us has imperfections. In order to overtake these imperfections, we must look Christ in each of us and life moves on with love, hope and fidelity. This remarkable act is also precisely Theotokos! Bro. Humphrey taught us also this way.
Ponder these thoughts! Even our Vicar General Msgr. Paul Cuison, DCD commended him for his mission for the youth most especiall the delinquents. Bro. Humphrey and many of us here brought them back to the Church. The humble works here were simply amazing! No one could ever replace him. He never thinks of himself. He does to imitate Christ and so must we. Don't be denying Peter! Stand up! Talk in truth even we are the last ones who stand for the truth! We need someone like him who is not afraid to fail and to stand up tall after each fall. He is not afraid to serve and to love Christ and most of all to die for Christ! He's the man!
For those who betrayed or left OAT, we cannot blame you, but we pray for you to be enlightened by the Holy Spirit. It does not mean we are young, we are afraid to face the truth. Don't avoid evil, face evil and make evil good!
If anyone there still doubts about the Order of the Ambassadors of Theotokos, kindly invite them to go to Davao City for further inquiry. We are countless here who can attest the goodness of Theotokos formerly SPICE - Adamson University and SPICE & YOUTH Family. Moreover, it is unbecoming to point fingers and accused someone who is totally innocent.
You never know what are our bright plans to your Lay Chapter especially for the indegents. Don't curse, but bless those who persecute us. It is being Theotokos. Betraying and leaving, it is not Theotokos. Remember, physical death is temporary, but spiritual death is doom and forever!
Through your teamwork, you can now show to God how you defend the truth from lies and how you love God above all by being Order of the Ambassadors of Theotokos Family members. At this very moment, you are showing and promoting to the whole wide world how brave, firm and loyal you are as Theotkos Family members and as young Filipinos! Remember, this message is not only read in your place, but in every corners of the earth.
You are not the first one being hated like this. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was the first one until He was crucified. When He was on ministry, countless of people went to Him for help and companionship, but in the end the ones who crucified Him were the ones He once helped and were the ones who were His companions. He was left behind scourged, bled, insulted and suffered. Only few stood by Him at the cross. Only few. We hope you will be like one of the few.
Just in case, there will be any harrassment that will be acted on you by anyone like forcing you to tell a fabricated statement aside from the revealed truth or you will be threatened by any one because you are a member of Theotokos or abused by any one because you are a member of Theotokos or demoralized by any one through libel and slander because you are a member of Theotokos, always feel free to write your comments on Contact Us  next to your left of the web site and or send email to oat-ist@catholic.org. Always let us know. After all, we are one big happy family! Feel at home all the time!
We are not boasting, but we are protecting each of you there! We must have more time to love and no more time to hate!
In one voice, we cheer to all the corners of the universe, "One for all, all for one, whatever happens, leave no one!"
As what Amb. Ralph A. Shotwell, OAT told the new Ambassadors of 2007 "Aim high for God!"
We are very supportive of you. We are very grateful the way you protect Bro. Humphrey and the Order of the Ambassadors of Theotokos Family there in Digos City Lay Chapter. Keep up everything! Best works!
Remember this "No one can put a bad man up and a good man down." The Davao City Lay Chapter will not be the only one to support you, but the other Lay Chapters and the rest of the Order of the Ambassadors of Theotokos as well. God bless us all!
Praise God! Amen!
The Davao City Lay Chapter Ambassadors, Envoys, Heralds and Ministers
15 August 2007
Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary


I really felt bad regarding the news about Digos City. How could some of these elder people misjudged the good works of Bro. Humphrey and the OAT Family? Am I right that the stundents members there were questioned that could bring out fear? Where is social justice here? Let the whole world knows that OAT Family is good in track records since SPICE - Adamson University days. I suggest Bro. Humphrey must be given proper treatment and not that judging him and his family. Davao City Lay Chapter is right to inform Digos City Lay Chapter that Bro. Humphrey should stay first in Davao. The USA and UK are here to protect these people. Philippine government wake up! We need someone like Bro. Humphrey. To Bro. Humphrey, if something happened to you, just inform me. God bless! Daddy Flint, Albany, New York
---submitted on August 17, 2007 1:44 AM EST / Daddy Flint / daddyflint1960@yahoo.com

Grabe! Ha?! Paano naging bad ang Theotokos eh simula't sapul pa the BEST na ang SPICE - Adamson University. Sa mga naunang members ng Theotokos under SPICE - Adamson University, saklolo sa mga kabataan ng Digos at kay Bro. Humphrey! Ang masama eh ma mistaken identity. Si Bro. Humphrey kilala dito sa Adamson University bilang si Zippy. Magaling and matalinong estudyante na walang sawang tumulong sa mga mahihirap and mga taong yano o simple! Pareng Zippy, contact lang Manila and SPICE - Adamson University, dito lang kami. Malaking tulong sa amin ang Bro. Humphrey or Zippy natin. Siya ang nagturo sa amin about media relations lalo na noong kasikatan ng Issue 101 sa ABS-CBN. Siya ang nag-iisang student corresspondent namin kaya naging hiling namin manood noon at ngayong ng ABS-CBN. Madam Korina Sanchez at Sir Cito Beltran, tulong po! God bless, pare! Kaya natin ito. Si Jeffrey to mula sa College of Engineering dati! Sir Teddy Casino, naging kaagapay po ninyo ang mga kabataang ito ng mag-guest kayo sa ISSUE 101 po dati.
---submitted on August 17, 2007 1:52 AM EST / Amb. Jeff from Adamson University

Shalom! Naunsa naman ng mga ubang taga-Digos? Ngano ingon ana man ang pagtrato sa Theotokos? Dili mi musugot ana. Lain kaayo! Asa naman ang hustisya ani! Kung wala man gipakita si Bro. Humphrey og mga papeles o katibayan bahin sa Theotokos, dili unta buhat-buhatan og istorya na makadaot. Maapil baya mi. Maayo kaayo ang Theotokos ang nakadaot tsismis! Kung duda man ang ubang mga taga-Digos bahin sa atuang buluhaton, paniid sa og dili muustorya dayon og dili mao. Gipa radyo ukay pa jud. Hala adto mo dire sa Davao City labi na sa Boulevard, kay muatubang mi kung unsa nang Theotokos o SPICE & YOUTH sa amoa. Dako na siya og tabang, kay daghan na gibag-o sa amo aron mahimong tarong samot ang among kinabuhi. Dili man jud na malikayan na adunay kalainan sa amoa og kay Bro. Humphrey. Naa man na maski asa, pero bilib lang mo sa amoa diri na taga-Davao dili mi kabalo mutraydor o mandaot ang mas importante sa amo ang pasaylo, gugma, panaghiusa. Maayo nang tao si Bro. Humphrey. Kung dautan pa ang Theotokos o SPICE & YOUTH, ang mayor unta namo dire si Duterte ang mupaundang sa amoa. Galing lang dili siya maundang dire kay maayo man gud ang buhat namo.Daghang na mi og gibuhat na maayo alang sa mga batan-on og pamilya. Nangayo pa man gani mi og tabang sa among buutang mayor duterte. Sa mga ginikanan na nagduha-duha, naa na sa inyo, kay kami man ang mga nauna sa inyong mga anak, makaingon jud mi na maayo ang Theotokos. Dili na makaadto sa Digos kung dili na maayo. Kay kami mismo ang mubalibad o magpaundang ana na makaadto sa Digos. Sa mga maestro or maestra diha na igo lang musulti og dili tinuod, naunsa naman mo? Ngano nahimo pa man mo na isip mga magtutudlo sa mga batan-on sa mga taga-Digos? Tan-awa ang mga magtutudlo na dili dayon muhusga sa isig katawo, mao kana ang angay buhaton! Alang kay Bro. Humphrey, ayaw kahadlok sa mga nandaot sa imoha kay kami dire full support mi sa imo.
---submitted on August 18, 2007 3:04 AM EST / The Ambassadors of Boulevard, Davao City /

Og sa maestro na miingon na Moslem si Bro. Humphrey og miingon pa na MILF ang among Bro. Humphrey og ang iyang lolo na taga-Jolo? Okay man nang Moslem og Islam ang tinuhuan kay dawat man namo na sukad SPICE & YOUTH pa mi. Daghan maayong Moslem dire sa Davao City ma miyembro namo. Ang lain lang ngano nakaingon man ka na MILF si Bro. Humphrey og ang iyang kaliwat taga-Jolo? Dunay kay ibidensya. Imbestigahan sa unta usa muingon ana. Maestro baya ka! Makaulaw! Tagalog na ang amahan ni Bro. Humphey og ang mga Salamat. Dili terrorista si Bro. Humphrey! Si Migz Zubiri man gani kay ilado siya na Migz dili anang Juan Miguel. Labi na jud si Jamby Madrigal or Maria Ana Consuelo Abad Santos Madrigal in real life. Unsa ba diay dautan na gamiton ang angga? Ang dautan ana kung mulimod? Usa mutamay o muhukom sa usa katawo, iagi unta sa maayong pamaagi dili anang mandaot. Sa ato pa diay ang mga taga-Digos ana diay muatiman og langyaw og Moslem ang ngalan? Kabalo mi na ang mga taga-Digos, mahadlokon sa Diyos og matarong ang mga batasan. Sa mga Envoys, salamat sa pahibalo. Sa mga Heralds og Ministers, nag-ampo mi pod sa inyong tanan. Para kay Bro. Humphrey, kung dili gusto ang ubang mga taga-Digos sa atong apostolado alang sa mga kabus, pili og laing lugar na angay natong tabanggan. It will be thier lost not ours. It will be gain for others!
---submitted on August 18, 2007 3:05 AM EST / The Ambassadors of Boulevard, Davao City /

We are profoundly sad and terribly shocked regarding the challenging situation that the new name of SPICE - Adamson University is now experiencing in Digos City, Philippines. When Zippy or Bro. Humphrey left Adamson University in 2002, many of us were shocked and dismayed why it happened for a multi-awarded recognized socio civic organization to cease from functioning. But, when we read the Genealogy from this site, our spirits regained. The SPICE - Adamson University still lives in a better way to serve and to lead people! During our college years in Adamson University, once you were a member of the SPICE - Adamson University, you belonged to one of the BEST ORGANIZATIONS IN THE CAMPUS. It was always a fame to be part of it. Zippy or Bro. Humphrey's servant leadership truly defines up to this time that he never forgets his trainings and experiences in the Vincentian university that also molded us to the way we are right now. All we can promote is the origin of the OAT Family called SPICE - Adamson University was truly excellent in serving and leading the people especially the marginalized sectors of the society. Our haydays of fun, tears and laughter, SIMPLY AMAZING! SPICE - Adamson University was never been accused of rebellion or any form of terroristic acts, but it was been tested that its members up to now are excelling in their own fields of expertise. We firmly defend that OAT Family would not exist or to function even in Digos City at this very moment if the foundations from Adamson University were not that best tested and proven to unconditionally serve and love God through His people. God bless us all! From: SPICE - Adamsonians from Singapore, Manila, CALABARZON, Bicol Region, Northern Luzon and California, USA
---submitted on August 21, 2007 2:11 AM EST / SPICE - Adamson University Co-Founders /

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